Blessing Israel & Educating the Church
When you donate to The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry—UK you are making a lasting impact on lives in the United Kindom, Israel and all over the world.
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Support Trevor and Maggie
Your gifts make our ministry possible. Thank you!
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Stand With Israel
We know you are a friend of Israel. Right now, Israel is in the greatest fight it has had since 1948. This is the time to stand with Israel and against its enemies.
Other Ways to Give
Make all cheques payable to The Friends of Israel, and indicate on the cheque where you would like your gift applied.
Mail cheques to:
St Mary’s Court
The Broadway
HP7 0UT -
Lloyds Bank:
Account: Friends of Israel
Sort Code: 30-98-97
Account number: 38237568 -
Please call 07597 368497 to give by phone using a credit/debit card.
Please download and complete the Standing Order Form and present to your bank.
Please click here to download a Gift Aid declaration.